‘Dreams Don’t Work, Unless You do!’ Meet Kriti Sharma, A Young Entrepreneur

It’s not always about the career path you choose immediately after the 12th board that stays with you. Life takes

Kriti Sharma
Kriti Sharma
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It’s not always about the career path you choose immediately after the 12th board that stays with you. Life takes a lot of turns, sometimes U-turns too! But that doesn’t mean you stop, you continue chasing, till you finally find your passion- that one thing you can do every day even when you feel tired!

“When things went completely for a toss, my bosses came around to show my portfolio to my parents. They told them how I was one of the most hardworking of the lot. And that’s how papa felt relieved & gave in.” says Kriti Sharma, a 27-year-old Delhi businesswoman who has re-routed her career path multiple times till she finally reached on a path which truly made her heart and soul happy.

“This Pandemic has been a very difficult time for everyone. I started a gifting section called #nazranabynazara in my firm which is called @nazara_decor on Instagram. We started personalized hand embroidered art, won a lot of hearts, and are still doing it. But, still waiting eagerly for the wedding industry to pick up and I start doing what I love doing the most.”

After school, she did her graduation from the prestigious Lady Irwin College with B.Sc Home Science in food and nutrition. Probably this wasn’t what she enjoyed doing, as after this she pursued Interior Designing from Sushant School of Design. Here, she did her master’s in Interior Designing.

“When I joined my job with an event company, I had already switched subjects & career choices. I was looking forward to becoming a dietician, then an interior designer but got my eyes on wedding decor as a career. The job was interesting but was hectic. We could even get free at 4 am. Dad was uncomfortable. He did not approve of getting home late. But my sister was my confidant. She kept pushing me, making papa understand and being a support.”

But as it is said, you always land upon the career path that your heart chooses. Kriti has always been a passionate girl and pursued all the choices she took with utmost dedication. She finally landed on being a wedding decorator. 

However, it always does not seem so easy as it is shown on social media. “But a year down the line, I left my employment there to switch to another job under an interior designer to get exposure when a big turn came by. Lockdown was implemented and my joining was canceled. All my plans looked blurred. However, is halting ever a solution?”

Our lives have completely turned upside down since this pandemic started in March 2021.

In the pandemic, she began her own Wedding Decor company. It all started with posting pictures on Instagram by creating small setups at home and establishing her online presence. 

“My parents became my biggest strength. We started from small events & when the work got a little better, I even hired a team. My house became storage for raw materials & cartage boxes. We’d operate seamlessly. In fact, a wedding was scheduled for this April when the second wave of covid hit the city. The clients did not cancel the event & I had to abide by the contract. The infection was so widespread, yet a team member managed to come & help me out. Nazara was my baby but when I gifted my jiju an embroidered piece of art, he insisted that I put it online. That was not something even minutely part of my plan but the family became my tides to success. They’d push me to heights even when I didn’t want to. That’s when I decided to start a sister business named Nazrana by Nazara. Rakhi was near and I had 7 orders at the outset. So Nazara, a virtual treat & Nazrana, a special gift became my ventures a year after I felt what next?”

It was her brand Nazara that has given her the boost to be an entrepreneur. And as she rightly describes her hustle, she also tells us- But the truth is, great things come only when there is a ‘what next’ moment in your life. You put your best foot forward, stay persistent & work hard, yes, hard work always speaks for itself!”

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