The internet she becomes the way of life for most of us. We all live day in and day out
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The internet she becomes the way of life for most of us. We all live day in and day out in the virtual world, so much so that, sometimes we even communicate with our own near and dear ones, across the room, over the net. The platform of virtual space that allows us to communicate with the others is known as the cyberspace, and in this cyberspace, everything is possible, even the virtual sex. This is one such case, wherein the accused was caught by the Internet Interceptors, for conversing with the underage girl over the Internet.

The Internet Interceptors or Pedophile hunters, is the new concept catching up in the developed countries like United Kingdom, where these guys keeps watch on the cybersex, specially targeted towards the children, and the NRI City Banker Balachandran Kavungalparambath, 38, who is working as a business manager at Citibank in East London, married and having one kid was caught by them while in the process of committing the sexual crime with the underage girl.

The report published in the TheIndianNewsfeed claimed that the accused man traveled over a one hundred miles to meet the 14-year-old girl and was caught by the Internet Interceptor. The reports say that the accused was conversing with the girl over the internet.

The reports in this regards was first published in The Mirror and later TheNewsMinute claimed that the accused had been ‘grooming’ the 14-year-old girl over online chat unaware of the fact that in reality, he was conversing with the Pedophile Hunters instead, and hence when he went travelling around 100 miles to meet the teenage girl, he was confronted by the Internet Interceptors in his hotel room. 

The team of Internet Interceptors confronted the Pedophile accused Balachandran two months back at the hotel room he had booked to meet up with the teenager for having sex, and the video of the same was made viral on the social media by them. The video went up to 130,000 views within two months time, said the sources.

According to the reports, the Internet Interceptors are active in the UK to hunt out the Pedophiles and sexual predators across the United Kingdom. The accused Balachandran had been sentenced by the Birmingham Crown Court for 15  years term on October 23 and on the completion of his sentence, he will be deported back to India, said the reports.

A more than an hour long video clip shows the accused emptying his bag to reveal condoms and a perfume. He reportedly told the Interceptors that he had no intentions of having sexual intercourse with the teenager and that he will leave the country as he is from India. “I was supposed to have a chat with her, it was not with the intention of getting her into a bed and having sex with her. That was not my intention,” he is seen saying in the video clip.

Although initially he remained stuck to his statement of no intention of having the sex with the teenager but later on he admitted that he wanted to have sex with the underage girl. “Making her pregnant was not my intention I just wanted to make love with her,” he told the Interceptors. During one of the chats, the NRI had told the girl that her first time of having sex would be painful. Filled with more such explicit texts, the man broke down when the sexual WhatsApp conversations were read to him.

It is United Kingdom judgement system that sent the accused to the jail for 15 long years just for getting into the online conversation with explicit contents but, in our country the rapist gets maximum 7 years of imprisonment, that to only if they get convicted, and as we all know that in most of the cases they do not get convicted in the first place. Having the system that is adopted by the UK will surely help to reduce the sexual crime against women in our country. What is you’re say on this? Please leave your honest comments on this serious issue.


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