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Do you have a Bank Account? Here are some Tips to Save you from Penalty!

Are you facing problems maintaining 3000 in your bank account? Are you worried about a penalty from the bank for
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Are you facing problems maintaining 3000 in your bank account? Are you worried about a penalty from the bank for not maintaining the required amount? We all know how difficult it is to lose money. We also know how hurt we are to pay a fine for the non-maintenance of our own money. Do not worry! Here are some amazing tips to escape the penalty from the bank.

India’s most trusted bank- SBI has startled its customers with a comeback of its regulation that urges every customer to maintain a particular sum of amount in the account. Every SBI account holder must compulsory have an amount of Rs. 3000 as the bank balance. If one fails to follow the instructions, the bank will levy a penalty on its customer.  This also applies to the two other major banks in the country- HDFC and ICICI.

All users are currently concerned. It is impossible to maintain such an amount since some are on a low-income scale. There are two sides to this newly formed rule by the bank. A person has to maintain his/her minimum balance and on the other hand, they need to be alert on avoiding the penalty. One may see the rule as a threat but what the bank is actually trying to tell its customers is something for one’s own benefit, which we will discuss in the article…

According to Paisa Bazaar, one must understand that banks charge you a penalty on non-maintenance of monthly average balance and not on minimum balance. Thus, if you maintain the required MAB in your account, you won’t be charged by the bank.

MAB is the Monthly Average Balance that a person must maintain in the account.

Basically, MAB = Sum of EOD (End of Day) closing balance

Number of days in the Month

So, for eg: A person has to maintain an amount of 3000 every day in the bank; the untouched 3000 till the end of the month will be an amount of 90,000 MAB. Thus, at the end of the month, every account holder must have 90,000 as their MAB.

Sometimes a person may fall short of 3000 for a couple of days. For instance, if you didn’t maintain 3000 for 5 days, at the end of the month the MAB will be 85,000. In such cases, you can deposit 5000 in the bank on the last day of the month to make up the 90,000 MAB.  This way one can escape the penalty. It is also possible for a person to pay the entire amount of 90,000 on the last day to complete the MAB.

Here is a detailed table of MAB required by banks of SBI, ICICI and HDFC. It is divided into rural, urban and metropolitan cities. Let us take a look at the table below:

Bank MAB (Rs) Penalty for Non-maintenance of MAB (Rs)
Metro & Urban 3000 40 – 100
Semi-urban 2000 25 – 75
Rural 1000 20 – 50
Metro & Urban 10000 100 + 5% of the shortfall in required MAB
Semi-urban 5000 100 + 5% of the shortfall in required MAB
Rural 2000 100 + 5% of the shortfall in required MAB
HDFC Bank:
Metro/Urban 10000 150 – 600
Semi-urban 5000 150 – 300
Rural 2500 270 – 450



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